Prof. Christian A. Larsen
Aalborg University, Denmark
Christian Albrekt Larsen (CAL) has specialised in the question of how to build social coherent societies in open economies and multicultural settings. The academic work of CAL demonstrates that the institutional structure behind the “Nordic model” still provides a promising answer to this fundamental question of social science. Internationally CAL is best known for his work on how institutions, especially universal welfare schemes, enhance public support for anti-poverty policies and social trust. The issue of migration and assimilation into Northern European host countries is prominent in CALs current project portfolio. CAL has received a Danish Sapere Aude II research leader elite grant (2012-2015) and a Fulbright grant (2015-2016). CAL has been a member of the Danish national research council for social science (2015 – 2019).
Dr. Jörg Dollmann
University of Mannheim, Germany
Jörg Dollmann is a postdoc researcher at the Mannheim Center for European Social Research MZES at the University of Mannheim, where he leads the Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in Four European Countries (CILS4EU), together with Frank Kalter and Irena Kogan. Furthermore, he is head of the Research Data Center at the German Center for Integration and Migration Research DeZIM in Berlin. He has a background in Sociology and is interested in ethnic and social stratification in education and the role of institutions for educational inequalities and success. He is also interested in (children of) immigrants' language acquisition processes and the role of foreign accents for different outcomes, like social or structural integration.
Prof. Karel Neels
University of Antwerp, Belgium
Karel Neels is Professor of Social Statistics and Demography at the University of Antwerp, Belgium, and also lectures hazard modelling in the Master of Statistics Programme at the University of Leuven, Belgium. His research looks into trajectories of education, employment and family formation in both native and migrant populations, typically using large-scale longitudinal microdata from censuses and social security registers
Dr. Karen Haandrikman
Stockholm University, Sweden
Karen Haandrikman is senior lecturer in human geography at Stockholm University. She has a background in demography and human geography, with a PhD from the University of Groningen from 2010. Her research is about migration, segregation, integration and entrepreneurship among immigrant women. She has led several large research projects, most importantly an Urban Europe-funded project on the comparison of socioeconomic and ethnic segregation in five European countries. Ongoing projects are about geographical polarization, the life courses of migrants in Sweden, and childhood social context and its importance for intergenerational social mobility. Methods include mixed methods but are mostly quantitative, based on using register data and especially geocoded individual data. At Stockholm University, Haandrikman is programme director for the Master in Human Geography, she teaches methods courses and modules on migration and population geography at different levels, and she supervises PhD and master students.
Prof. Marjolijn Das
Statistics Netherlands, The Netherlands
Marjolijn Das works as a senior statistical researcher at Statistics Netherlands. She is also an endowed professor of Urban Statistics at the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Erasmus University Rotterdam, appointed within the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for BOLD Cities. Her research focuses on quantitative research with large-scale register data on the topics of regional demography and the interplay between people and their (urban) environment. She published on spatial inequalities, mobility in the life course, social and family networks and intergenerational transmission of education. She holds a PhD in Ethology from Utrecht University. Her current work within the MYMOVE project in collaboration with Joeke Kuyvenhoven and Helga de Valk focuses on patterns of childhood internal mobility of second-generation migrants and non-migrants.
Dr. Marianne Tønnessen
Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (NIBR), Norway
Marianne Tønnessen is a research professor at the Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (NIBR), which is part of Oslo Metropolitan University. She has a master in economics and a Ph.D. in demography from the University of Oslo. Her research fields include immigration and emigration, demographic consequences of migration, as well as regional population development and domestic migration. She has also been a Fulbright student at Princeton University, head of the Norwegian population projections in the research department of Statistics Norway, and a researcher in demography at Stockholm University.
Prof. Nissa Finney
University of St Andrews, United Kingdom
Nissa Finney is a Professor of Human Geography at the University of St Andrews. She has published and taught widely on residential mobility and housing, neighbourhood change, segregation, and ethnic inequalities. Nissa is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, former Chair of the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) Population Geography Research Group, member of the ESRC Centre for Population Change (CPC), and founding member of the ESRC Centre on the Dynamics of Ethnicity (CoDE). Within CoDE Nissa leads the Evidence for Equality National Survey. Nissa’s work has brought new understandings in population scholarship, evidencing differential opportunities and experiences of ethnic groups in residential choices, underlying processes of racism and discrimination, and policy narratives that marginalize groups and places. Nissa’s most recent book, Racism, and Ethnic Inequality in a Time of Crisis, is now available (open access).
Prof. Øystein Kravdal
University of Oslo, Norway
Øystein Kravdal has been professor of demography at the Department of Economics, University of Oslo, since 1994. He is also one of the PIs at the Centre for Fertility and Health at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. Kravdal has been particularly interested in the associations between education, income, fertility, and partnership, as well as the importance of these factors for mortality and health. Most of his research has been based on Norwegian register data, but he has also used survey data from Africa and India. He has been first or single author of papers in, for example, Demography, Population Studies, Population and Development Review, American Sociological Review, Social Science & Medicine, and American Journal of Epidemiology. He has much experience with event history analysis, including more advanced multilevel-multiprocess versions, and has often used various fixed effects designs. He was one of the editors of Population Studies from 2004-2013 and has been on the Editorial Board for European Journal of Population since 2001.
Patricia McMullin
University of Turku, Finland
Patricia McMullin is an Academy of Finland Research Fellow and PI of the project “Moving Matters: the influence of family migration on inter-generational inequality”. She is a lecturer at the Inequalities, Interventions and New Welfare State (INVEST) research center, University of Turku. Her research focuses on cumulative inequality over the life course, early childhood inequality, and geographical mobility in the intergenerational transmission of (dis)advantage. Her research has appeared in journals such as Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, European Sociological Review, and the British Educational Research Journal.
Dr. Rafael Costa
Federal Planning Bureau & University of Antwerp, Belgium
Rafael Costa has a background in economics and demography (PhD, University of Louvain). He has conducted research on different topics focusing on socio-spatial inequalities and using quantitative methods based on register data. He currently works as an expert at the Federal Planning Bureau (Belgium) and is affiliated to the University of Antwerpen. He holds a Master’s degree in Population Studies (2009) and a PhD in Social Sciences (2015) from the University of Louvain.
Dr. Sergi Vidal
Centre for Demographic Studies Barcelona, Spain
Sergi Vidal is a social demographer (PhD, Universitat Popeu Fabra), appointed as a Ramón y Cajal fellow and as a head of the Generations and Life Course research group at the Centre for Demographic Studies in the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. His research interests are related, but not limited to family dynamics, residential mobility, and social inequality. His research is framed in life-course and cross.national approaches, and mostly uses state-of-the art quantitative methods for the analysis in longitudinal data. Currently, he conducts research on the linkages between spatial mobility and social mobility over the lifecourse, inquiring large-scale longitudinal datasets from integrated administrative registers and surveys from Spain and a wide range of countries and using a series of advanced quantiative methods.
Jeppe Fjeldgaard Larsen
Aalborg University, Denmark
Jeppe Fjeldgaard Larsen holds an MSc in Social Science and Geography from Aalborg University. He commenced his Ph.D. studies at Aalborg University in February 2021 and is scheduled to defend his thesis on the dynamics of school segregation in May 2024. With an interdisciplinary background, Jeppe's research interests primarily focus on quantitative analysis using administrative register data, particularly within the thematic areas of integration, segregation, and inequality. As part of the MyMove project, Jeppe has contributed by conducting analyses and writing about mobility trends and patterns among children in Denmark.