Presentations & Training

16.09 Guest Lecture at the University of Groningen
'Population Dynamics' by Alon Pertzikovitz, for international exchange students, for the course 'Spatial Problems and Spatial Policies: The Dutch Experience', Faculty of Spatial Sciences
06 PopDigest, Population Europe
A brief summary of Alon Pertzikovitz’s paper was published at PopDigest: “Moving to a new place during childhood is becoming less common across Europe” (co-authors: Gusta Wachter & Helga de Valk)
12.06-15.06 European Population Conference 2024, Edinburgh
‘Why is the Second-Generation Less Mobile: Understanding the Effects of Migration Background on Internal Migration Behavior’ by Alon Pertzikovitz (co-authors: Matthijs Kalmijn and Gusta Wachter)
Poster presentation 'Moving then, moving now, moving later: Understanding Digital Nomadism from a Life Course Perspective' by Juul Henkens
Flash presentation ‘Accumulated disadvantage or moving out of disadvantage? Consequences of childhood residential mobility and exposure to neighbourhood deprivation for educational attainment’ by Joeke Kuyvenhoven
'Residential Mobility after Parental Separation: Which Children Move, Move Frequently, and Move Away from Nonresident Parents?' by Maaike Hornstra
Juul Henkens, Alon Pertzikovitz, Joeke Kuyvenhoven, Helga de Valk and Maaike Hornstra attends the workshop 'Future of Lifetime Migration Studies'
28.05 NIDI Lunch Seminar, The Hague
'Moving then, moving now, moving later: Understanding Digital Nomadism from a Life Course Perspective' by Juul Henkens
23.05 Trails Forum, Groningen
'The relation between residential mobility and internalizing and externalizing problems in adolescence: The role of subjective moving experience, gender, and friendship quality' by Juul Henkens
21.05 Workshop by KNAW, Amsterdam
Juul Henkens participated in an infographics course
16.04 KNAW, Amsterdam
Juul Henkens participated in the career event ‘PhD & Postdoc Career Day 2024: Together / Alone’
12.04 NIDI, The Hague
Maaike Hornstra hosted a meeting of the “Knowledge Network of Relationships and Divorce” at NIDI
10.04 Workshop by KNAW, Amsterdam
Maaike Hornstra and Juul Henkens participated in the workshop 'CV building and individual grant writing'
Maaike Hornstra participated in the workshop 'Writing your first individual grant'
28.03 NIDI-CBS Meeting, The Hague
"Verhuizen tijdens de kindertijd: Patronen en gevolgen" by Joeke Kuyvenhoven
29.02 NIDI-UG Conference - Let's talk population studies: our future, our society
"Childhood moves: Unpacking patterns and consequences" by Joeke Kuyvenhoven
11.01 Guest Lecture at University of Groningen
“Consequences of childhood internal mobility” by Joeke Kuyvenhoven for the course Migration, Families and Households
04.12 Dutch Demography Day, Utrecht​
Poster presentation ‘Why is the second-generation less mobile: Understanding the effects of migration background on internal migration behavior’ by Alon Pertzikovitz [co-authors: Matthijs Kalmijn and Gusta Wachter]
13.10 European Divorce Network Conference, Utrecht
'The Stepgap in sibling relationships in adulthood' by Maaike Hornstra [co-authors: Suzanne de Leeuw & Matthijs Kalmijn]
12.10 Workshop by KNAW, Amsterdam
Joeke Kuyvenhoven participated in the workshop 'Make your own infographic'
11.09 - 13.09 British Society for Population Studies Conference (BSPS), Keele
'Internal mobility of International Migrants: A systematic literature review and agenda for future research' by Maaike Hornstra [co-author: Gusta Wachter]
‘Childhood internal migration in Europe: An overview of developments across cohorts and countries’ by Alon Pertzikovitz [co-authors: Helga de Valk and Gusta Wachter]
‘Why is the second-generation less mobile: Understanding the effects of migration background on internal migration behavior’ by Alon Pertzikovitz [co-authors: Matthijs Kalmijn and Gusta Wachter]
'Accumulated disadvantage or moving out of disadvantage? The impact of moving on completion of secondary education for children born in disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Stockholm and Amsterdam' by Joeke Kuyvenhoven
28.08 - 01.09 European Conference for Developmental Psychology (ECDP) , Turku
Poster presentation 'Life Satisfaction Development in the Transition to Adulthood: Differences by Gender and Immigrant Background' by Juul Henkens [co-authors: Matthijs Kalmijn and Helga de Valk]
'Residential mobility and internalizing and externalizing problems: the role of gender and friendship quality' by Juul Henkens [co-authors: Gonneke Stevens and Helga de Valk]
19.06 - 30.06 Erasmus University, Rotterdam
Alon Pertzikovitz participated at the SICSS-ODISSEI computational science summer school
9-10.06 Social Scientific Council of the KNAW, Leusden
Juul Henkens participated in the meeting “(Poly)crisis, veerkracht en institutioneel leren” in Leusden, the Netherlands, where she presented the paper “I Think It’ll All Blow Over in the End’: How Young People Perceive the Impact of COVID-19 on Their Future Orientations’
12-15.04 Population Association of America (PAA), New Orleans
Poster presentation ‘Consequences of childhood internal mobility and neighbourhood change for educational attainment in young adulthood’ by Joeke Kuyvenhoven
Poster Presentation 'Union formation of the children of immigrants: Does the ethnic composition of the childhood neighborhood matter?' by Gusta Wachter [co-author: Rafael Costa]
Poster Presentation 'Childhood residential mobility and adolescent well-being: Does the family context work as a buffer?' by Maaike Hornstra
21.04 Workshop by University of Groningen, Groningen
Juul Henkens participated in the workshop 'The Landscape of Post-PhD Career Tracks'
11.04 Workshop by KNAW, Amsterdam
Juul Henkens participated in the workshop 'Individual Grants'
16.03 Seminar by I&O research, Amsterdam
Juul Henkens participated in the seminar 'Respondent perspective in surveys'
25.01 Workshop by International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), online
Joeke Kuyvenhoven participated in the workshop 'Extracting Spatial Data on Environment for Research'
21.12 Guest lecture at University of Groningen, Groningen
‘Family Formation & Partnering Patterns of migrants and their descendants’ by Gusta Wachter for the Demography Master
15.12 Guest lecture at University of Groningen, Groningen
‘Childhood internal mobility’ by Joeke Kuyvenhoven for the course Migration, Families and Households
22.11 Quetelet Seminar 2022, Louvain-la-Neuve
'Using the Belgian administrative data to investigate mobility histories and socio-spatial inequalities' by Rafael Costa
19.09 Guest Lecture at the University of Groningen
'Population Dynamics' by Juul Henkens, for international exchange students, for the course 'Spatial Problems and Spatial Policies: The Dutch Experience', Faculty of Spatial Sciences
07.09 British Society for Population Studies Conference (BSPS), Winchester
'Selectivity in childhood (im)mobility: How are children from different origins sorted into neighbourhoods?' by Rafael Costa
31.08 European Network for Housing Research Conference (ENHR), Barcelona
'Consequences of childhood internal mobility for educational attainment in young adulthood' by Joeke Kuyvenhoven
24.08 - 27.08 European Association for Research on Adolescence Conference (EARA), Dublin
'The Relation between Adolescent Internal Mobility and Life Satisfaction in Emerging Adulthood here' by Juul Henkens
Juul Henkens participated in the workshop 'Qualitative Data Methods'
07.07 International Conference on Migration and Mobilities, Saint Andrews
'Consequences of childhood internal mobility for educational attainment in young adulthood in Sweden' by Joeke Kuyvenhoven
29.06 - 02.07 European Population Conference (EAPS), Groningen
'Spatiotemporal relation between childhood internal mobility and exposure to neighbourhood deprivation' by Joeke Kuyvenhoven
'Residential Mobility in Childhood and Union Dissolution Later in Life' by Alon Pertzikovitz
'Selectivity in Childhood (Im)Mobility: How Are Children from Different Origins Sorted into Neighbourhoods' by Rafael Costa. He furhtermore chaired the session 'Residential Dynamics and Neighbourhood Composition'
Juul Henkens participated in the workshop 'Early career scholar workshop' by the Child and adolescent development working group
Winner of the 'Best Poster Award': 'Life Satisfaction Development in the Transition to Adulthood: Differences between Boys and Girls and Children of Immigrants and Non-Immigrants' by Juul Henkens
Gusta Wachter participated at a convener poster session
'Residential Mobility in Childhood and Union Dissolution in Later Life' by Alon Pertzikovitz [co-author: Helga de Valk and Sergi Vidal]
14.06 Volkskrant Interview
Joeke Kuyvenhoven got interviewed for a parenting column by the Dutch newspaper 'de Volkskrant' about moving during childhood. Read the interesting article here
17.01-24.01 Workshop by KNAW
Juul Henkens and Joeke Kuyvenhoven participated in the workshop 'Presenting with Storytelling'
13.01- 15.01 Workshop by Statistical Horizons
Juul Henkens and Joeke Kuyvenhoven participated in the workshop 'Longitudinal Data Analysis using Stata'
21.03-25.03 European Consortium for Sociological Research (ECSR), Turin
‘Spatiotemporal relation between childhood internal mobility and exposure to neighbourhood deprivation’ by Joeke Kuyvenhoven for the Spring School on Geography, Mobility and Social Stratification
01.12 SUDA Demographic Colloquium Series, Stockholm
‘Consequences of childhood internal mobility and neighbourhood change for educational attainment’ by Joeke Kuyvenhoven
16.11 Dutch Demography Day, Utrecht
'Partnering Patterns: Diversity in Union Formation and Dissolution among the Children of Immigrants' by Gusta Wachter
'Kinkeeping across families: The central role of (step)mothers in the facilitation of adult intergenerational relationships' by Maaike Hornstra [co-author: Katya Ivanova]
Maaike Hornstra was a member of the poster jury
08.03 Brown Bag Seminar, NIDI, The Hague
'Partnering Patterns: Diversity in Union Formation and Dissolution among the Children of Immigrants' by Gusta Wachter
24.05 Workvisit Ministry J&V, NIDI, The Hague
'Emigratie: wie vertrekt en waarheen?' by Gusta Wachter
25.02 Guest lecture at the University of Groningen, Groningen
‘Population Dynamics in the Netherlands' by Gusta Wachter
02.11 - 03.11 Workshop by KNAW, Amsterdam
Gusta Wachter participated in the workshop 'Individual Grants'
16.10 Divorce conference, Brno
'Kinkeeping across families: The central role of (step)mothers in the facilitation of adult intergenerational relationships' by Maaike Hornstra [co-author: Katya Ivanova)]
05 Open Door Call Erasmus Initiative Vital Cities and Citizens
Joeke Kuyvenhoven reviewed research proposals
14.12 Guest Lecture at the University of Groningen
'Childhood Internal Mobility' by Joeke Kuyvenhoven, for the Master's course 'Migration, Families and Households', Faculty of Spatial Sciences
29.11 Big Data for Migration Alliance, IOM/KCMD
Helga de Valk moderated the event 'Harnessing data innovation for migration policy in Europe and Africa: State of the art and future directions'
24.11 Dutch Demography Day, Nederlandse Vereniging voor Demografie
Key note lecture 'Moving on: How mobility in childhood influences later life' by Helga de Valk
'Spatiotemporal relation between childhood internal mobility and exposure to neighbourhood deprivation' by Joeke Kuyvenhoven
'Union formation of the children of immigrants: Does the ethnic composition of the childhood neighbourhood matter?' by Gusta Wachter
11. Expert Meeting with the EU vice president
Helga de Valk participated in the expert meeting with EU vice president Dubravka Šuica, organised by Population Europe
30.09 Webinar 'Better connecting excellence in the EU', KNAW & Neth-ER
Helga de Valk was a member of the panel 'Strategies to enhance cooperation across Europe'
24.09 4th International CILS4EU User Conference
'Life Satisfaction Development in the Transition to Adulthood: Differences by Gender and Immigrant Background' by Juul Henkens
15.09 British Society for Population Studies 2021 Conference
'Spatiotemporal relation between childhood internal mobility and exposure to neighbourhood distress' by Joeke Kuyvenhoven
09. Opleiding Ambternaren International Beleid, Rijswijk
Key note presentation 'Toekomst van Migratie' by Helga de Valk
01.09 Conference of the European Sociological Association
'Understanding Childhood Internal Mobility Patterns of Second-Generation Migrants in the Netherlands' by name Joeke Kuyvenhoven
08.07 IMISCOE Annual Conference
'Union formation of the children of immigrants: Does the ehtnic composition of the childhood neighbourhood matter?', by Gusta Wachter
'Towards a typology of childhood internal mobility: do second generation migrants and non-migrants differ?' by Joeke Kuyvenhoven
02.07 Frontiers in quantitative migration research, Humboldt University Berlin
Key note presentation by Helga de Valk
03.06 Prof. Kooy Symposium, KIVI Defensie en Veiligheid
Key note lecture 'Demografische ontwikkelingen: Meer robots, migranten of kinderen?', by Helga de Valk
02.06 Paleissymposium 'COVID-19 from different perspectives', Koninklijk Paleis Amsterdam
Helga de Valk participated in this symposium
20.05 EAPS Masterclass
Joeke Kuyvenhoven participated in the Masterclass 'Understanding the causes of intergenerational adaptation: Explaining inequalities for the children of refugees and other immigrants'
05. UNFPA Agenda-Setting Meeting, Population Europe
Helga de Valk participated as a panel member in 'Youth Aspirations, Anxieties and Attitudes and Demographic Futures'
07.05 Population Association of America 2021 Annual Meeting
'Towards a typology of childhood internal mobility: do second generation migrants and non-migrants differ?' by Joeke Kuyvenhoven
04. Expert Meeting with the EU vice president
Helga de Valk participated in the expert meeting with EU vice president Dubravka Šuica, organised by Population Europe and held the key note presentation
21.04. DAMR workshop: 'PhDing from home'
Joeke Kuyvenhoven participated in this workshop
22.03 Berlin Demography Days, IUSSP
Helga de Valk participated as a panel member in the discussion 'Hoe verloopt de interactie tussen wetenschap en politiek'?
17.02 'Van Aula naar Binnenhof', KNAW / Parlament en Wetenschap
Helga de Valk participated as a panel member in the discussion 'Hoe verloopt de interactie tussen wetenschap en politiek'?
02. Expert Meeting with the EU vice president
Helga de Valk participated in the expert meeting with EU vice president Dubravka Šuica, organised by Population Europe and held the key note presentation
09.2020 - 06.2021 The Max Planck Institute of Demographic Research, Rostock, and the Centre for Demographic Studies, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona
Alon Pertzikovitz participated in the program 'European Doctoral School of Demography'
03.12 Vaste Commissie Binnenlandse Zaken
Helga de Valk participated in the Rondetafelgesprek 'Discriminatie en Racisme'
12. EAPS Working Group on Child and Adolescent Development
Helga de Valk organised and presented the webinars
12.11- 06.05. PhD course on Demography
Organized by NIDI, PhD students of the MYMOVE project participated
19.11 Dutch Demography Week
'Union formation of the children of immigrants: Does the ehtnic composition of the childhood neighbourhood matter?', by Gusta Wachter
'Towards a typology of childhood internal mobility: do second generation migrants and non-migrants differ?' by Joeke Kuyvenhoven
22.09 International MyMove Meeting
'Childhood residential mobility and health-related outcomes: A meta-analysis', by Müge Simsek
08. Futureconsult, Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment
Helga de Valk advised the report ' Samenleven 2030, een toekomstverkennig' by the Futureconsult voor directie Sameleving & Integratie
23.06 NIDI Brown Bag Seminar
'Childhood internal mobility in the Netherlands', by Joeke Kuyvenhoven
23.02 NIDI Brown Bag Seminar
'Childhood residential mobility and health-related outcomes: A meta-analysis', by Müge Simsek
23.01 Pakhuis De Zwijger, Migranten Arbeidersbewegingen
'Op welke manier organiseerden Turkse en Marokkaanse migranten en gastarbeiders zich toen ze naar Nederland kwamen in de 20e eeuw?', by Helga de Valk
02.12 Cross-Migration Project Policy Event
Helga de Valk participated as an expert for this event in Brussels
21.11 Guest Lecture at the University of Groningen
'How migration shapes lives: a research agenda' by Helga de Valk at the Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences
14.11 Board meeting Ministery of Social Affairs and Employment
Presentation 'Migratie en migranten: ontwikkeling, achtergron en blik op de toekomst' by Helga de Valk
13.11 Guest Lecture at the University of Groningen
'Migration families and the life course' by Helga de Valk within the course on families, migration and households of the Master 'Population Studies'
08.11 25th anniversary Population Research Center, University of Groningen
'From migration to mobility: connecting insights in migration research' by Helga de Valk
28.10 Kickoff Meeting, Max Planck Gesellschaft Berlin
Helga de Valk organized the kick-off meeting of the EAPS working group on Child and Adolescent Development
09.10 Expert Meeting on Migration Scenarios
Helga de Valk organized the expert meeting 'Future European Migration Scenarios in 2030: Plausible, Probeable, and Relevant?' within the framework of the cross migration project in joint collaboration with IOM/GMDAC Berlin
28.06 16th IMISCOE Annual Conference
Helga de Valk chaired the panel 157 'Data on child migrants: Evaluation existing statistics and conceiving child-specific migration data
Helga de Valk participated in the workshop 'Migration and Welfare: A diaologue on collecting and sharing data between on-going research projects'
27.06 Dag van de Sociologie, Rotterdam
'Waarom beinvloeden tijdelijke contracten familievorming? Een mediatie-analyse van inkomen en percepties van arbeidsonzekerheid' by Helga de Valk and colleagues
21.05 BZK draait door... Nederland is vol
Helga de Valk participated as key note speaker and panel member
04. Futureconsult, Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment
Helga de Valk advised the report ' Samenleven 2030, een toekomstverkennig' by the Futureconsult voor directie Sameleving & Integratie
28.02 IMISCOE Spring Conference
Presentation 'Welfare and Migration Aspirations: Empirical Evidence from a Factorial Survey among Dutch Master Students' by Helga de Valk